Pilot Intelligent Training Systems

DTW-MDS embedding technique.

This paper presents a new technique for representing time series data that combines dynamic time scaling (DTW) and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) to create a distance embedding for modeling the student performance of flight tasks in simulation.

Our research questions are:

• RQ1: is it valuable to preserve the temporal ordering of the data for student modeling using a time series or to vectorize the data using the distribution features?

• RQ2: does the same representation perform well across multiple machine learning tasks?

We hypothesize that disparate student modeling problems are not likely to benefit from the same distance embedding; hence the data preprocessing pipeline must be configured for the research problem.

  • Experiment Results:

    Comparison with previous works on flight success prediction.
    Comparison with previous works on flight success prediction.

    Performance of different components of MDS.
    Performance of different components of MDS.